Sabtu, 21 November 2020

Who We Are & Not

"You cannot know who you are unless you are surrounded by who you are not"
- Dorien du Toit

Some people get it early in their life. They know who they are, what they want, and what they do not want to become. It is clear for them from the beginning to cling only on what fills their cup.

On the other side, there are people who have to go through some real life filters to purify them from what they are not. These filters may manifest as neighborhoods, families, friendships, jobs, beliefs, to name a few. As familiar as these filters may sound like, it can be hard to dust off the things that are not belonged to one. It could even certainly be painful, perhaps almost unbearable as what we thought we are, were so close to us, sticking hard to ourselves, should be separated from us, sometimes forcefully.

But however uneasy is the process of purification, we should be thankful that there is a force helping us becoming who we are. Because it is very important, and probably one of our most important tasks, to be who we really are, to be true to ourselves, to do what we are best at doing, and to emit the purest energy from and in our existence. It may seem quite detrimental that we lose some of the things we held so dear. We were left almost naked, be judged as making some serious mess, and constantly be self-questioning our poor life choices. But life doesn't end there. As we are closer to our personal truth, life becomes somehow more effortlessly. We are flowing to the place where we need to be at the moment, and doing things we are good at the time, saying the truth, and being with people of our tribe for a given condition. Until we reach the point of another peel-off-closer-to-self phase. Until...who knows when.

Maybe we should be grateful for the uncomfortable feeling in our heart when we are working on something, being with some people, eating some food, be in some places. That uncomfortable feeling is our guide to look deeper into our state of being, until we finally leave the things behind, sooner or later. The unlatching process may not be easy, but we need to remember that it is even harder to stay in the place of stop growing.

May we stick tightly to our truth, and be brave enough to move ourselves towards who we are.