You must've heard this quote so many times. Along with the other so-called wisdom words, it turns out to be not more than the colorful sprinkles on top of the white cream on top of a cupcake. Superficial.
Now let me write my version of life (as a journey).
I'm in the middle of some things.
In the middle of my twenties (I'm 25 actually);
In the middle of my two-year-master-study (I have lots of due dates :D);
Taking place in the very middle of the United States (US divided by two is Kansas);
In the middle of a summer break (Netflixing and sweating most of the time);
In the middle of a journey.....
A spiritual journey.
I believe that every entity has one's own spiritual journey.
We experience, we ask, we seek, we fall, we fail, we doubt, we try, we convince, we find, we connect, we learn.
A twenty-five-year-old of me might not be wiser than its 5 years younger version. But it might be more spiritual.
Because she has been always questioning many aspects of life; beliefs; faith; heaven and hell; sin; love; sexuality; and god. In her journey, she met believers in many forms. She met the believers of certain beliefs. She met those who honor mother nature. She met the free thinkers. She met agnostics. She met scientists. She met parts of herself that had been patiently waiting to be found. She learned from who/whatever shared the same road with her. The most unenjoyable ones taught her the biggest lessons. While the pleasant ones taught her to be kind. She found peace that comes from her heart. The peace that is not a product of compelling other entities.
-----I'm tired of writing about myself by acting like an independent observer :p.
Gonna use I instead of she :D.-----
Like I said before, my life is like that famous quote. It is a journey.
But I would like to say that my life is more like a spiritual journey. Everything is connected here; even the most random piece of sh*t.
When I look back to the younger me, I smile. I see how I had transformed into many unique shapes in different phases of this journey. And because I'm still doing the breathing procedures, perhaps in some moments ahead I will be facing something new. Who knows?
But as a physically 25 years old woman with an older soul (:D), I do appreciate these body and soul for all that we've experienced.
The good and the crap. For saying yes and saying no. For holding the tears and releasing them free. For being awkward (a looot) and being just right. For acting stupid and looking smart. For playing various roles in many of life's multiple dramas. Yes, in other words, for literally everything.
Gee, how amazingly strong and brave we are! We could've quit, but we didn't. We just keep being awesome :D
I hope every entity enjoys one's own journey. If we "accidently" meet on the road, lets share some affection. May we find peace and happiness in our heart.
July 16, 2016
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A Journey of a Cucumber Beetle |
Dear Kak Nike yang selalu beta tunggu postingan baru blognya di be pung dasbor blog,
BalasHapusItu foto penutup pung gaga le! :D
Kaka son berniat mengumpulkan foto-foto kaka (yang kamarin bunga-bunga cantik deng tupai lucuuuu deng ini serangga gagaaaaa) di Instagram ko? Ehehehee.
Selamat siang dari Malang~
*komen hanya untuk bilang itu sa hihihii
Ahhh dear Ayuk yang selalu rajin mengamati beta pung postingan2 aneh :D :D
HapusMakasih su puji oo. hihi. Beta suka ambil foto-foto bunga dan sekitaran taman.
Cuma belum tau apa beta perlu aktifkan instagram lagi. Terlalu ramai disana. heheheh
Selamat sore dari Manhattan :*
Ahahaa, iya sihh Kak, Instagram lumayan rame. Be beking Instagram khusus hanya untuk posting gambar-gambar sketsa (yang kadang absurd), lalu follow akun-akun yang be suka sa dia pung feed, supaya son talalu rame di temlen XD
HapusTe be lia2 ini Kak Nike pung foto-foto di blog sini talalu yo'i na hihihi, dia pung mood dapat :3
Salam sejuk-sejuk dari Malang, Kak Nike! ({})
Ayuk memang rajin berkreasi ;) :). Hahahah. Makasih Ayuk, nanti kedepan semoga makin rajin foto :p
HapusTitip salam buat Malang :)
Eheheee iya Kak, rajin foto ais upload di blog ju oo :D
HapusMalang bilang kalo datang lai na kabar-kabari wkwkwkk